Tuesday, March 30, 2010
tarak pa2..
arini emosi x stabil..jiwa kacau..sebab ase kepala sangat memberat, aku xtau ape yg aku dapat gi kelas 4 jam tadi..kelas pertama, mandarin 2 jam..discuss buku keje utk exam minggu depan..kepala otak aku xley fokus langsung..then next kelas foodchem 1 jam sambung terus ngan kelas sensory evaluation 1 jam..2 jam straight aku tido sampai aku x pasan ntah bile da tukar subjek..Ya Allah..x penah aku wat gini..teroknye aku arini..terok sangat..tqah!!!! wake up!!! pang skali baru tau..huh!
malam ni ade meeting gpms..adoiyai..terpakse gi gak..important yg teramat..demi kedai pena warisan..huhu..sok kene anta assignment..ALAMAK!!!! baru aku teringat aku blom beli cd..sok kene anta assgnment burn dlm cd..cinabeng tol la ko ni tqah..tadi da kua pon bukan nak igt beli cd..ces! ni la 1 yg aku rimas sal diri aku..cuai + pelupa tahap gaban..argh~
sok kene anta assgment 2..luse ade test 4 chapter cover..next week pon ade test mandarin n kene anta proposal da..ase2nye 5 lab report food chem yg aku peram x buat2 sampai skg ni pon kene anto next week r..adoi..gilo den gilo..huhu..
jiwa kacau atas sebab2 tertentu..sbb tu aku malas nk terjebak ngn sesuatu yg melibatkan ati nih..tapi bila da terjebak, pepandai r jaga ati sendiri..ati oo ati..saba ye sayang..jangan sakit agi..plezz...huhuhu..
Monday, March 29, 2010
FDP da settle..proposal next..
yeay~ food product development competiton da abes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sangat2 lega n puas ati..walaupun x menang, aku bangga ngan diri sendiri n sume kawan2 aku sbb kitorg berjaya menghasilkan new food product hanya dalam masa kurang sebulan! susah oOoOoOo..ngan nak come out wit idea agi..nak develop product agi..da develop tu, ade kurang sane sini kene improve agi..pastu nak wat chemical analysis agi..nak wat sensory evaluation agi..nak analysis data sensory agi..nak prepare poster, pamplet, packaging n labeling agi..fuh! aku senaraikan pon da terase penat..ni kan plak nak wat..sebab tu bulan 3 ni aku jadi laen macam..biol + bengong + mamai + blur...kurang dr sebulan beb masa yg ade! huhuhu...
akhirnya settle..pasni leh fokus kat proposal plak..proposal kene anta next week..ade agi mase nak wat ni..leh punyer..tqah, plez work better under pressure ok!
yang menang tadi ade 3 kumpulan..first prize, grup tu wat bubur durian dalam powder form..haaa, menarik kan? kalau nak makan, tinggal bancuh ngan air panas jer powder tu..ase die memang sebiji cam fresh bubur durian..x effect langsung ase eventhough da processed..impress2! tempat ke2 plak wat nugget cendawan..totally cendawan without daging or ayam..sedap! n tempat ke3 sos spaghetti yg da di modified ikut citarase org melayu..pedas + masam..
sume best2..ade 19 grup..means, 19 new food product..sape x dtg tadi memang rugi gler r..hehe..
ok, laen kali aku upload pic ok..as usuall, dila yg bertanggungjawab mengambil gamba..aku kene tunggu die upload kt fb, baru aku leh upload kt sini..
setakat ni je dulu..aku undur diri....
Saturday, March 27, 2010
1. mak masak sedap..tadi mak aku wat laksa singapore..sedapppp..mlm tadi aku x makan..pagi tadi pun x sempat brekfes b4 balik umah..so sampai je kt umah, aku makan puas2 n cm biase, mak aku akan dok seblah tgk aku mkn sambil cite2..bahagieeeeee sangat..heee~
2. dapat tgk my little cute kitten..waa..sangat teruje sebab mereka2 da besa sikit..sangat comel ok..n sangat gemoks..ase cm nak geget jer..hehe..aku x dpt upload pic baby2 aku..so aku cari jer pic2 cute kitten..
ukhwah fillah..hehe
tergolek plak die..
my cat mase die pregnant..
Friday, March 26, 2010
tentatif yg merepek like kerepek,,
Assalamualaikum wbt..
Jap gi kul10 aku kena gi lab utk prepare yogurt n candy peria..for product launching isnin ni..saje singgah jap kt sini sebab ase cam da lama la plak x menulis kt sini..winduu~ hehe
Kat sini aku nak story ckit perjalanan food product aku ni dr awal..sbb aku ase sangat lega, puas n teruja bila dapat settle kan bende nih..on my own work..my own responsibility..my own idea..all by my own with the help n also idea from my team members..
First, we have to come out with the idea of product that we want to produce..at first, we choosed to produce potato-base product bcoz we looooove to eat potato-base products like hashbrown, wedges, wiped potato etc..so we decide to produce ‘stuffed potato’..we were trying harder to get a very good formulation for this product..i think about 3 trial for this and the result is da bomb..haha..sooo delicious..we produce mashed potato that we shaped and put some filling (chicken, carrot, mushroom n cheese) inside it..coated with rice flour for crunchy texture n fried..but when we present it infront of our lecturers (judges), they don’t really like that bcoz lack of technology and they said “gemok!gemok!”..haha..kicik ati den..they asked us to substituted potatoes with yam, eliminate cheese and put some local herbs..in this stage, we stuck..i don’t know y I don’t think their idea was good enough..and I can see that majority of the teams involved produced juz about the same product..frozen, frying..so I decide to change it totally!
After doing some research, asking others opinion, I came out with the idea to produce yogurt..at first, my idea was to produce yogurt powder..coz I think I’ve never seen it in the market..by change it from semi solid to solid, I can ekceli reduce the cost n extend the shelf life..but, after going through discussion wit my team members and asked some lecturers, there’s also some disadvantages on that..the bacteria (good one) will die when the yogurt undergo heat treatment to dry it..then, it is quite difficult to get back the original texture of yogurt after adding water to that powder..and the amount of water required to be added to the powder when people want to consume it also give us a problem..we need to do a very accurate assumption for that..so lastly we decide to do juz a normal yogurt, but by using raw ingredients which has never been introduced in the market yet..and I choose bitter gourd!
Here again we faced problems..how to eliminate or at least reduced the bitter taste of the bitter gourd? We try to find others fruits that have a very strong taste which can mask that bitter taste..for the first trial, I really2 stressed and down bcoz we didn’t get what we want..we’ve tried banana, guava, honey dew etc but the result was BLUEK~~~ ..giler x sedap..for this first trial, ekceli the yogurt itself that we produced was not in a rite condition..we want semi solid yogurt but wat we got was yogurt drink! Totally liquid..aarrgghh! but we juz proceed and mix with fruits n bitter gourd and again, disappointed..
For the second trial, we used another formulation n method to make yogurt..i added some thickener to get that viscosity..and Alhamdulillah we got wat we want..but the probs regarding fruits still not settled. After asking, researching n praying, I decide to use mango to mask the bitter taste..then we choose water lily mango (after trying many mango, this is the sweetest)..thanks to my mum coz help me in finding this mango..at first, my mum was the one who buy the mango for us..but when we need to buy it by our self, we face another prob..emm,how to choose the rite mango ha?how to know the color of the flesh? How to know which mango is sweet and have the attractive colour?? Waaa..nyesal x blaja pilih buah ngan mak..at that moment, I juz wanna to scream “nak mak!!nak mak sekarang!!”..huhu..and nah, we bought the young n sour one..huhuhuhuhu..useless~
After settled with the yogurt production, we going to sensory part..here, we need to conduct sensory test where we need to find about 20-30 panelist to taste n evaluate our product..it is uneasy to find almost 30 panelists u know..we need to contact all our frens to come n help us..but the result was again disappointed..majority of the panelist didn’t like our yogurt..bitter, weird..they said..again my spirit going down to minimum level..we have no time to think about producing something else bcoz the launching date juz around the corner.. but then when I asked my lecturer, miss rohasmiza, she suggested to make a bitter gourd candy instead of blend bitter gourd together with yogurt..and also substituted ‘peria katak’ (the small one) with the big one which known to have less bitter taste..
We need 3 days to produce candy and 2 days to produce yogurt..after that, we need to do sensory test again to obtained new result for our new formulation..at this time, we got almost positive response..alhamdulillah..but then, we need to rush n speed coz a week left b4 launching date..we need to analyse the sensory result, doing chemical analysis to obtain nutritional information, prepare poster n pamphlet, design labeling n packaging..and today I can say that 80% of our job was settled..we juz need to prepare product for launching day n get ready with some preparation for our booth..
Ya Allah..bantu aku dan kumpulan aku..berikan kejayaan pada kami..permudahakan keje kami..amin~
mango n bitter gour (main ingredients in yogurt)
reverse osmosis (making candy)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
dis post is dedicated to my mum, nor hayati bt adnan..
happy birthday (51 years ols)..may Allah bless u always n give happiness in ur life..
i luv u very much..maybe sometimes im not express it, but deep in me u r my sunshine, my life, my everything..thanks for everything u've done for me..insyaAllah i will make u proud n make u happy..
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
nak tau kod makanan yg halal??
aku da tido tadi 4 jam..asenye dah cukup kot..sekarang mase utk wat keje plak..banyak sangat keje bertangguh ni..
kalau tgk keadaan bilik aku sekarang, tongkang pecah pun agi lawa..sebab keletihan yg teramat, aku tido atas timbunan baju2 atas katil..baju2 ni aku da cuci n da kering, tapi aku x sempat nak lipat..baaaanyaaaakk giler..so aku ketepikan sikit jer pastu aku tido jer..nasib baik aku ni agak pendek..muat gak r katil walaupun kene share2 ngan timbunan baju yg maha banyak..huhuhu..
ok, tadi mase aku kemas2 notes, aku prasan yg aku upenye ade simpan 1 buku pasal halal food additivies..food additives ni ialah bahan yg ditambah ke dalam makanan sama ada utk melambatkan makanan tu rosak, atau utk mendapatkan sesuatu karakter makanan tu (adoi..aku blaja dlm bhsa inggeris..nk explain dlm bahasa melayu ni tetibe aku rase cam salah gune term).. contohnye kepada penggemar coklat, kalau korang perasaan selalunye ade 1 bahan ni dinamakan thickener..thickener ni selalunye ade code Exxx.. haa, xxx tu no la ea..ni aku tgk kad labelling coklat depan aku ni, kod die E322..kalau korng concern, kod2 ni penah jadi isu dulu..kat frenster pun ramai org forward2 kod2 ni n mention kod sekian2 ni x halal sebab dari cik BaB..ok, b4 pe2, aku nak gitau sikit jer sal thickener ni..thickener ni digunakan utk jadikan coklat tu pekat..maksudnye utk dapatkan texture yg dikehendaki.. kalau korang nak tau kod2 yg tertulis kat label makanan korang tu halal or x, korang dialu2kan utk tanya kat sini..aku boleh tengokkan kalau kod2 tu tertulis dlm buku aku ni lah..ok? aku tolong setakat yg termampu..n jangan risau sebab buku aku ni dikeluarkan oleh jabatan agama Islam sendiri..valid nih..
orait, got to go..salam~
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
aku penat! sangat2! rasa cam nak tido sampai sok pagi..kalau x mengenangkan aku ade agi 2 lab report n 1 assignment yg blom siap yg perlu submit ESOK, memang aku da tido skg..
kelas dari kul8.30-1.30 full..pastu aku terus prepare sample utk wat sensory test..sampai pukul 6 baru siap..sumpah penat gilerrrrr! x tipu..adoi..
aku cume mohon Allah kuatkan dalaman n luaran aku utk settle kan sume ni one by one dgn tenang n jaya..tu je..amiinn~
Monday, March 15, 2010
Yea..yea….da settle presentation..yeay..yeay..
Assalamualaikum wbt..
Hehe..aku appy sgt sebenarnye nih..sebab presentation proposal aku da settle..bersyukur yg teramat2..ade r gak kurang sane sini, kena tegur sane sini, but at least not 100% rejected..juz kene cek semule method yg aku gune..tu je..yg lain sume da ok..
Aku akui aku bukan lah seorang yg sangat bagus utk present..sebab tu banyak kekurangan..tapi xpe lah..aku blaja dari kesilapan n akan cube utk perbaikan kelemahan..arap2nye mase presentation thesis nanti, aku x ulang kesilapan yg sama..
Tapi kan…
Seyes lega beb…ase cam keje utk sem ni da settle dow..
Padahal produk x siap agi..hukhuk..susah sebebnarnye nak wat analysis ni..contohnye utk analysis protein content, aku kene wat analysis yg memakan mase 2 ari..utk moisture content, kene 2 ari..utk fat content kene semalaman..vitamin n mineral leh la seari jer..tu pun kalau chemical n instrument cukup la..malangnye, instrument kat lab aku x cukup..sekali run utk protein, 2 grup je bleh..kalau tiap2 grup makan mase 2 ari, gamaknye bape ari nak tunggu turn utk grup aku? Da tu, bile nak siap?? Itu lah kesusahan yg terpakse kami tanggung utk wat produk nih..
Walaupun analysis x settle, tapi sensory test tetap on esok..sample utk sensory n analysis aku wat asing2..jangan risau..aku xkan bagi korang makan sample yg dah gune utk analysis..hehehe..
Arap2 berjalan lancer n dapat cukup ramai panelist esok..ceq dah penat dah ni..ceq nak settle benda ni cepat2..ceq malaih nak pikiaq dah..launching date 2 minggu ja tinggai..hukhuk..
Sunday, March 14, 2010
bapak cuak wei..
alhamdulillah akhirnye dapat gak aku lalui arini..tp kurang sempurna la..hope that tomorrow will be better than today..
sok aku present proposal fyp weh!!!!!!!!!!!!! waaa...cuak kuase 4 seyh~
presentationnye x lama..around 15 minutes je..tapi nak lalui 15 minutes tu, sepanjang minggu ni x tenang..aku blom prepare agi nih..slide jer baru ade..tu pun blom 100% complete..ade agi yg kurang2..jap gi baru nak touch up sikit2..ramai kawan2 aku yg da cuak2..stress, tension n macam2 agi..aku cuak gak n stress gak tapi aim aku sekarang nak settle cepat jer..aku ase, after presentation ni settle, leh kate 70% keje aku sem ni da settle..so kalau presentation berjaya, 70% berjaya r..70% tu A- kan? ke 75% yg A- ea? da x igt laa..tp kire ok la gak tu kan? (aku nak sedapkan ati sendiri je)
tadi pagi aku masuk lab..again, my sunday was burned..hikhik..pelajar yg x berwawasan..mane ade sunday aku burned..aku dok lab kot wat produk..berfaedah tu..haisy..ni la die pelajar zmn skg..xley berkorban sikit..huh! (membebel kt diri sendiri)....aku dok kt lab sampai kul3 gitu jer sebab lab tutup kul3..pastu balik singgah bilik dila..lepak sane then tertido..pas maghrib baru siap2 nak balik kolej sendiri..tapi terlambat plak balik atas sebab2 tertentu..sebab tu instead of 8 pm, aku sampai kul 9.30 pm..huahuahua..lambat giler~
analysis produk aku tadi belom sempurna..adoi..xpe la..first time kan nak wat sendiri..bile ade macam2 masalah tu normal la bagi aku..kite belajar dr kesilapan..insyaAllah sok pas present aku akan sambung semula wat analysis..tadi x sempat abes..huhu..arap sangat2 sok leh settle analysis..supaya selasa ni aku leh fokus ngan sensory test saje..
again...-----> plez do help me this tuesday..being my panelists plez for my product..juz walk around my lab (blok depan kafe menara tingkat 1 lab food tech) then i will randomly pick up anyone to do sensory test..x susah pun..rase je then evaluate sikit dlm borang yg kitorang akan bagi nanti..sonok tau sensory test ni..dulu mase senior2 aku wat produk, aku suke jadi panelist..hee~
doakan aku untuk presentation aku ea? aku xnak kene reject..aku da x sanggup nak buat semula from the beginning..3 month im work it out..plez3...
Ya Allah..tolong Ya Allah..lancarkan semuanya untuk aku..(=.=)"
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Assalamualaikum wbt..
First of all, I want to dedicate my appreciation to ALL MIGHTY ALLAH SWT for the gift of life to me..alhamdulillah masih diberi kesempatan waktu n masa utk melihat keindahan alam ciptaan Allah n masih bernyawa utk terus berusaha n berusaha menjalani kehidupan peh, ayat novel kot..sejak jadi seller novel ni, ayat aku makin berbunga2
Ekceli arini aku ase sikit tenang berbanding ari2 yg lepas..weekend la katekan..tapi weekend aku b4 ni x tenang pun..ade je bende yg kena wat..but its ok..tu sume pengajaran n pembelajaran dlm idop..yg aku xley dpt kalau setakat gi kuliah je..so credit for that..
Tapi aku ade keje yg kena settle kan ni..by today, aku kene -->
1. Siapkan lab report food chem..ade 3 report..
2. Prepare slide proposal utk presentaton isnin ni..
3. Da prepare slide, kena r prepare diri lak utk present kn..
4. Study food analysis..ahad ni kena masuk lab wat analysis kt yogurt aku..
Lain2 keje yg aku leh settlekan b4 ar selasa -->
1. Study mandarin..selasa ade quiz jer
2. Assignment evt kena submit ari rabu
3. Wat sensory test ari selasa (aku da promote kn dlm post b4 ni? Plez do come k?really need help)
Owh..xde la banyak sgt keje aku..igtkan beratus2 tadi..bile da list out, leh kire pakai jari tgn je..x sempat nak masuk ngn jari kaki pon..relex sudah..
Yg lab report food chem tu aku agak x puas ati..patutnye instead of 3, aku kena wat 1 jer..sebab agi 2 aku da siapkan awai agi..tapi ntah cmne aku ade wat dose kot tetibe leh xde lak dlm laptop aku..dlm pendrive n external pon xde..so dgn ase sikit bengang aku terpakse la wat semula nanti..huhu..sadis! (T.T)
Orait, I think enough for now..kalau ade bosan2 t aku bebel r agi kt sini..suka ati aku r kn nk bebel pjg2 pon..belog aku..wahahaha..giler berlagak..
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
syukur sangat...
Assalamualaikum wbt..
Sekarang ni aku tgh appy..mode sangat appy..sebab at last yogurt aku jadik!!!!!! Yeay~
Aku da down gler da b4 nih..xtau camne agi nak wat..waktu makin suntuk..launching date da dipercepatkan..tapi produk aku still under development process..blom wat analysis n sensory agi..seyes aku punyer tekanan di tahap maximum..cume blom nangis meraung2 jer agi..bergenang air mate dah pun..huhuhu.. tapi setelah beribu ribu banyak wit aku abes, tenaga aku abes, air mate aku luak r gak ckit n banyak gak sel2 otak aku yg terhapus, arini aku dpt hasil yg aku nak..bukan 100% perfect..but at least improve than b4..n aku da puas ati da..cume kene kautim ckit agi jer r..ikut planning, ahad ni kitorg akan run analysis..arap2 sgt dpt settle ahad ni gak..klu settle, da leh wat label la utk packaging sbb da ade nutritional fact..klu x settle, kene la bermalam kt lab agi..n selasa mggu dpn plak nak wat sensory test..
Kepada warga uitm shah alam (ahli fakulti sains gunaan khasnye) sila laaaa jalan2 kat blok A (depan café menara saas) kt tgkat 1 yg ade lab2 food tech tu..dr kul3-5 ptg ari selasa ni (16/3/10) insyaAllah kitorg akan wat sensory test..kitorg akan pick je sape yg lalu2 kt luar lab tu utk cube rase produk kitorg n evaluate la ckit..plezzzz….kitorg perlukan 100 org nih..
Ok..got to go..da nak maghrib..kul8.15 ade post mortem futsal..kompom aku kena kaw2 punyer r..sbb aklu dtg lambat ckit petang sabtu tuh..memang da kene marah da pun mase tuh..huk3..sok test kul8.30 pg..tp x study agi nih..baru dpt notes td..nmpknye mlm ni kene tido kul3 agi r..da seminggu gini..bile settle sume ni nti, aku nk tido puas2 xnak bangun2 sampai katil da nyampah ngan aku..huh!
mode -> eppi (^^)
UiTM di hatiku..
